Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What is soteriology?

What is Soteriology? Soteriology is the study of salvation. This realm of theological study deals with the ins and outs of the work of God in bringing creation, and especially humans, to enjoy the divine purpose for existence (Grentz, et. al, 1999; p.108).

As a Salvation Army soteriology is important. Our name mentions it. Salvation and our understanding of it, is paramount.

The Salvation Army believes that to follow God you must have a relationship with Christ. The fact is we are sinners, and God is a holy God. Therefore, through the redemptive blood of Christ and the grace of God we are forgiven. We cannot water down the idea that we are sinners in need of repentance (turing away from our sin). Granted it is not necessarily a popular message in the consumer driven western world, but the truth is nonetheless the same. I'd be interested in your opinion on this.

Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. He also came to redeem creation back to its creator, which I believe would happen more and more as people become believers in Jesus, and begin to live their lives reflecting the values of the Kingdom of God.

Lets not underplay sin. But I challenge people to share in the absolute joy of redemption that is found in Christ.

We have a young lady in our Corps who became a follower of Jesus a few months ago. She now talks about Jesus on facebook, lifts her hands in passionate worship, she refuses to work on Sundays, she serves the Lord. This is a story The Salvation Army will continue to hear in the future. Its the practical outworking of this area of study we call soteriology.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

5 Aspects of Missionary Movements - Christian Leaders Read this!

Steve Addison outlines 5 phases or rather 5 aspects of missionary movements. These five things relate strongly to what it means to be an entrepreneurial leader. They are:
  • White Hot Faith - Well, any born again Christian should have a white hot faith. Any Salvationist should be known for their zeal for God. Addison refers to having a direct and personal encounter with the living God, which then stirs on the person to social activism, e.g. Mother Theresa, Luther, Francis, etc.
  • Commitment to the cause - William Booth stirred up the beginnings of The Salvation Army with an amazing commitment to the cause. Are you a leader who is outlandishly committed to the cause?
  • Contagious Relationships - Powerful ideas travel quickly. Movements have ideas that are passed rapidly amongst relationships. Entrepreneurial leaders have relationships that help revolutionary messages be transmitted.
  • Rapid Mobilization - The leader of a movement needs to have the ability to communicate the cause, and have people buy into the cause so that the movement grows and expands and honours God in the process. Think of the rapid expansion of the Protestant Reformation, where people bought into the teachings of Luther and Calvin and others, and a movement was birthed.
  • Dynamic Methods - Good leaders will use up-to-date methods and innovative ideas to spread the popularity of their movement. You've heard it before - what worked 20 years probaby won't work today, especially communicating in today's technological environment.
    (The Forgotten Ways: Hirsch, p. 105-106)

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Feel free to comment, send articles, etc, etc. Comments welcome!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Equipping Soldiers

Where would a Christian website be without some form of discipleship teaching. We must train up the soldiers.

I have this picture of Soldiers in the Army sitting in the trenches sipping Cups of Coffee and eating nice Biscuits. Its time to finish the coffee time, so to speak, and rise up and fight the fight against the enemy. We must move forward into battle, and seek first the Kingdom of God. We need fully equipped soldiers if we are to do this well.

Salvation Army Missiology

Missiology is the study of Mission. Salvation Army Missiology is looking at Mission within The Salvation Army! Are we meant to be incarnational or attractional, or both? What is the Mission of God? What does the book of Matthew say about Mission and how can that help within The Salvation Army?

There is much to unpack in the days ahead. By all means, if you have an article to give, send it to: peter.brookshaw@aus.salvationarmy.org

YOUR Social Context

Ministry is difficult if you don't understand the context in which you do ministry. Contextualisation is that big word which is really about learning the 'context' of your situation. Learn the demographics of where you live. Learn the spiritual footprint on the society. Learn the strongholds. Don't start a soup kitchen if no one is homeless. Don't build a tennis court, if what your people need is child-minding.

YOUR Social Context will attempt to help Salvationists understand a little about their context, by creating links to local sites, e.g. Australian Bureau of Statistics, etc so you can find more about where YOU live.

Solid Rock Theology

There is much rich theology that underpins the work of The Salvation Army. Theology that is foundational and that Salvationists need to understand.

Here we will outline Salvation Army doctrines and the values and beliefs of The Salvation Army. We will look at the theological teachings on salvation, holiness and loads more. So, switch on the brain, and think about WHY you believe what you believe.

Pioneering Stories

Here is where we'll update readers on the pioneering stories of The Salvation Army, whether past or present.

There are stories of what God is doing in The Salvation Army today. Please email Pete @ peter.brookshaw@aus.salvationarmy.org with your story

There are also many stories of God using Salvationists over the years, and these will be touched on in the days ahead. For now, have a read of INSANE, written by Dave Collinson.

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Leadership is paramount in today's rapidly changing missional context. We cannot lead like people did in 1920, if we want to successfully empower people today. We must learn how to lead in the changing environments we find ourselves in.

This section will be looking primarily at leadership related to pioneering ministry. Entrepreneurial leadership is what it is. Leadership that has the ability to move people through change, to have people buy into a vision, to see people saved and sanctified. We need strong, entrepreneurial leaders who will pioneer the future.

Contact Us

To Contact Solid Rock Salvationism:
email: peter.brookshaw@aus.salvationarmy.org

Do you have any stories, theological articles, thoughts, leadership tips? Email us today.

The Solid Rock Salvationism Blog

I'll be aiming to keep this updated with various topics like mission, leadership, stories of where its happening, soldiership, theology, etc.

Keep in touch.

Planting Resources

No, we're not talking about 'how to plant a garden'. We're talking about resources for planting Salvation Army Corps. We intend to answer questions like, 'How do I plant a Corps?' 'What do I need to plant a Corps?' etc, etc.

There are a growing number of resources available to Salvation Army leaders who are looking at new Corps initiatives, and Solid Rock Salvationism aims at providing as much as that as we can.
For now, check out sites like, www.armybarmy.com and www.salvationarmy.org

Income Raising

Some like to call it fundraising, but we will call it income raising. Its what is needed in many Church initiatives. Whether it be the $4000 you need for the new Children's PlayHouse, or the half a million for the new property, income raising is needed.
In the posts ahead we will outline some creative ways to raise income. Here some quick ideas to start us off:
* Love Offering - Promote the vision, and plan a special offering Sunday.
* Grants - Ranging from normally $500 - $200,000 ($AUD). Explore philanthropic organisations for larger amounts.
* Networking income. Build networks with local government groups, and organisations, e.g. Rotary Club, Lions Club, local Council, local Government, etc.

More Income Raising ideas and thoughts to come in the days ahead!

What is Solid Rock Salvationism?

Solid Rock Salvationism is a new site with the following vision:

"To help birth and nurture the dynamic pioneering work of The Salvation Army worldwide."

The Salvation Army needs to be a growing, vibrant movement, and in parts of the world it is. In other parts of the world there is work to be done and paradigms to change. This site will help you learn and grow in the ability to plant new ministries, or fund new initiatives, or understand what theology underpins the work of The Salvation Army.

Matthew 7:24 (NLT) says, 'Anyone who listens to my teaching and obeys me [Jesus] is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.'

Lets build the Kingdom of God on solid rock. Lets see The Salvation Army have Solid Rock Salvationism!

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